Join the wigo student discount

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20% discount on all your trips

Switch to wigo extra for more efficient carshring! If you already have a carsharing routine, you'll need a little extra. 20% discount on per-minute rates, package rates and extra mileage.
Your 20% discount applies immediately to all your private wigo trips: whether it's a few minutes in the city or a multi-day trip.
Student discount and wigo extra cannot be combined.

Register and use it

To be eligible for the wigo student discount, you must have a wigo account.
Get in and out of Budapest and the surrounding area in the nearly 100 km2 wigo zone and travel anywhere you want in the country!

As long as you're a student, it's automatically yours

We will automatically check your student status every six months after you apply for the discount via Diverzum. Be sure to confirm your student status on the Diverzum website to automatically renew your student discount.

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Adatvédelmi rendelkezések

  1. The cooperation between the Parties involves the processing of personal data of natural persons.

    In the course of their cooperation, the Parties shall act as independent data controllers, i.e. as data controllers they shall be independently responsible for compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (General Data Protection Regulation, hereinafter: GDPR) and the Hungarian data protection legislation, including Act CXII of 2011 on Freedom of Information (Infotv.), in particular:

    • to comply with data protection obligations,

    • the ability to demonstrate such compliance,

    • the performance of tasks related to the exercise of the rights of the data subject,

    • implementing appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure data security, taking into account the nature of the processing and the risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons,

    • ensuring that access to personal data is restricted to those persons who have a legitimate interest in the performance of their tasks in connection with this contract and who have previously given a written undertaking of confidentiality for an indefinite period or are under an appropriate obligation of confidentiality based on law.

  2. It shall be the obligation and the sole responsibility of the Parties to process personal data in connection with the performance of this contract only to the extent and for the duration strictly necessary to achieve the purposes set out in the contract (verification of eligibility for the student discount, verification and provision of the discount), after which the data shall be deleted.

  3. The parties shall process personal data (name, position, e-mail address, telephone number) of each other's contact persons and other employees involved in the performance of the agreement on the basis of the conclusion and performance of the agreement and their legitimate interest in maintaining contact.

  4. The Parties shall inform the persons concerned of the details of the data processing and the data transfer carried out within the framework of the processing and of their rights as data subjects, by drawing their attention to the availability of the relevant Privacy Policy.

  5. The Parties shall cooperate to the extent necessary in relation to events affecting the processing of data in connection with the performance of the contract. In particular, but not exclusively, such an event shall occur in the event of a data subject exercise, a data protection incident, a complaint or a public authority investigation relating to the performance of this contract.

    In the framework of the cooperation, the Party concerned by the event related to the processing shall promptly notify the other Party of the event and, to the extent necessary, allow the other Party to be involved and to assist in resolving the situation.